Left to Right: Susan Halada, Michelle J. Singer, BS (Navajo), Patricia Silk Walker, PhD (Cherokee) Douglas Bigelow PhD, R. Dale Walker, MD (Cherokee).
The staff of the One Sky Center includes professionals in psychiatry, substance abuse prevention and treatment, adolescent mental health, health systems and administration, education, and Native American studies. Please click on the links below for more information on our staff.
R. Dale Walker, MD, – Director
Dr. Dale Walker is professor of Psychiatry and Public Health and Preventive Medicine and Director of the Center for American Indian Health, Education and Research at Oregon Health and Science University. His current work draws attention to best practices for the prevention and treatment of addiction disorders with American Indian populations.
Douglas Bigelow, PhD, – Deputy Director
Over the last four decades, Dr. Bigelow has provided direct service in psychiatric hospitals and directed research, alcohol and drug treatment, strategic planning, human resource planning, and health policy in community, state, and provincial agencies. He has expertise in service systems research, performance measurement, outcome measurement, program evaluation, community mental health programming, alcohol and drug programming, American Indian issues, and, brain imaging.
Patricia Silk Walker, PhD
Dr. Silk Walker is a child psychiatric clinical specialist with a focus on community mental health and American Indians. Her research includes prospective, longitudinal assessment of risk and protective factors associated with alcohol, drug and other mental health problems.
Michelle J Singer- Communications Coordinator
Michelle, an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation, will provide communications, public relations, and intergovernmental support to the One Sky Center. Prior to coming to the Center, she spent seven years in the U.S. Senate as a policy advisor to Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD), Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Chairman Ben Nighthorse Campbell ( R-CO), and Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR). Michelle’s professional and personal background is strongly rooted in Indian education, Indian health, and Indian affairs.