Native Programs Directory

Urban Indian Health Board, Inc. CSAP HIV/AIDS Services Grant

Organization: Urban Indian Health Board
Address: 3124 East 14th Street
Oakland, CA 94601
Program Director: Michelle Herrera
Telephone: (415) 621-8051
Fax: (415) 621-3985
Funding Agency: CSAP
Funding Program: HIV/AIDS Services
Grant Number: SP10154


Urban Native Youth is a partnership between the Native American Health Center and the Friendship House to reduce substance abuse and HIV/AIDS among Native American youth in the San Francisco Bay Area. The program links culturally relevant substance abuse and HIV prevention education with community building programs to prevention substance abuse and high-risk behavior among Native American youth. The goal of Urban Native Youth is to expand existing substance abuse HIV/AIDS services for American Indian adolescents. The target population for substance abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention education is youth ages 9-22 in Oakland.


Indian Nation Served

Key Components

Evaluation Design

Evaluation Results

Products Developed
