Native Programs Directory

Youth Circle of Health

Organization: American Indian Prevention Coalition
Address: P.O. Box 25047
Phoenix, AZ 85002
Program Director: Bonny Beach
Telephone: (602) 258-4477
Fax: (602) 532-7202
Funding Agency: CSAT
Funding Program: Strengthening Communities-Youth
Grant Number: TI13309


The Circle of Health is a collaborative project among the American Indian Prevention Coalition, Inc., Phoenix Indian Medical Center, Native American Connections, Inc. with additional coalition partners to develop an effective system of care that provides intervention and treatment services for American Indian youth ages 11 to 17 within Maricopa County, Arizona and additional surrounding reservation areas.

The American Indian Circle of Health Youth Treatment Grant is an intertribal project located within Maricopa County, Arizona which serves both urban and reservation youth. The goals of this project are to encourage collaboration between organizations serving Indian youth, coordinate identification and placement of youth in treatment, expand and improve access to treatment services for youth, improve treatment outcomes for youth, manage client and treatment services information and data through electronic networking, and provide community educational services that encourage early identification, intervention, and treatment for youth suffering from substance abuse, violence and co-occurring disorders.

Indian Nation Served
American Indian youth within Maricopa County and surrounding reservation areas

Key Components
Residential and outpatient treatment for male and female youth 11 to 17 is provided.

Evaluation Design
Through the outcome evaluation, project investigators are seeking to answer 2 distinct questions, stated here as research hypotheses: 1) American Indian Youth who participate in the Youth Circle of Health will reduce their use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. 2) Implementation of the Youth Circle of Health will increase the number of American Indian youth and families participating in substance abuse treatment services in Maricopa County, Arizona. The GAIN will be used as an assessment and evaluation instrument and will be administered at 3, 6, and 12 month intervals.

Evaluation Results
Through the outcome evaluation, project investigators are seeking to answer 2 distinct questions, stated here as research hypotheses: 1) American Indian Youth who participate in the Youth Circle of Health will reduce their use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. 2) Implementation of the Youth Circle of Health will increase the number of American Indian youth and families participating in substance abuse treatment services in Maricopa County, Arizona. The GAIN will be used as an assessment and evaluation instrument and will be administered at 3, 6, and 12 month intervals.

Products Developed
None specified.
